Iris software group response.
I’m pleased to report that after publishing this post on LinkedIn and tagging 3 senior executives, I was contacted by the Managing Director Jim Scott, who incidentally has only worked there 2 months and spoke to him on Tuesday 11 May at 11am. We had a good chat and Jim promised me that someone from his team would be getting in touch to discuss my price complaint. Jim told me that he didn’t want to lose me as a client but understood my reasons if I did leave. He kind of inferred that Kashflow are trying to get their price in line with their competition, that means higher I guess?
My current business bank provider Lloyds Bank, has built in business software for a cost of just £5 per month, after a 3 month trial. Of course it is always a massive job, transferring to different packages, but this price is obviously unbeatable in the marketplace.
Anyway, let’s see what happens and if indeed someone will get in touch with me and we’ll make a decision afterwards and in the meantime evaluate the Lloyds software too.