I like this article, I’m a minimalist too, well I try maybe. I stopped being addicted to Apple years ago and I agree big phones are ugly. When I had my iPhone 5s, I said that I would never go to the bigger phones, unfortunately they stopped making them and then we had to. But the plus point of the bigger phones meant they went back to the rounded shaped phones that sit better in your hand with smoother edges. So after a few years of holding on to the iPhone 5s, it started to struggle with the software, battery etc. I guess it’s the built-in redundancy plan by Apple. So when iPhone 7 came out in 2016, the iPhone 6 got reduced and we bought one each for my wife and I. We were definitely pleased with the slightly bigger size and the smooth contours.
And now they’ve gone back to the sharp contours of the iPhone 5. They must have had a lot of stock left to use up. I remember distinctly Apple antenna-gate, where if you put your hand in certain places the signal cut out and Apple gave out bumpers to stop that from happening. I believe this happened with the iPhone 4.
Anyway I’m currently on an iPhone 8 not because I upgraded but because my iPhone 6, which I planned to use until the end of days couldn’t cope with the upgrade to iOS 13. I encountered a massive battery drain. You can read about it here. Eventually Apple concluded there was indeed an issue and yes indeed they gave me an upgrade to 8! Unheard of correct?
My wife still has her 6, but due to the upgrade to iOS 14, her battery is draining now, so we’ll have to upgrade to the last closest model which is the SE.
The whole scam with the iPhones is causing millions of unnecessary purchases by a company who takes recycling seriously and is still making billions of dollars from equipment that goes quickly out of date or unusable.
I also had the experience from end of May this year until end of September that all my passwords that are synced through iCloud Keychain kept disappearing from my iPad and iPhone every time I logged into my Mac. I’ve had hours of calls with Apple support trying everything under the sun to fix it for months. Their engineers were asking for almost weekly diagnostics with no fix coming forward. It only fixed itself after iOS 14 was released recently.
So things aren’t working so great with their overpriced equipment these days.
They are starting to remind me of Microsoft in 2010, which is when I switched to Apple.
I’m still loyal because I’m locked in and rely on everything to sync and work together. I got a wake up call this year, that syncing doesn’t all work so well.
I’ll watch with interest how the new design works out, maybe in a few years when I may be forced to upgrade I will have to change to the new contour or maybe they will go back to the rounded version again, who knows.
Michael de Groot the Minimalist, sometimes…